Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Operation Phoenix Unlikely

Operation Phoenix was a great idea, but finally after 20,000 flights have been canceled throughout Europe, now ours are too. The flight from NY carrying the critical dill pieces has been delayed at least one day, possibly longer. Without the pieces Operation Phoenix cannot begin. The ash plume is also moving towards Greenland, potentially shutting down the airport and removing any chance of accessing the ice sheet. Weather alone has restricted our flights: 2 of 10 days have been viable flight days. We utilized both but brought back no results due to a unmaintained drill. Luck, unfortunately, seems to be in short supply.


  1. Evan, I'm really sorry. Looks like this just wasn't the year. Hopefully next year will be better! Love, Mom

  2. Watching with great interest Rick. Home with a broken ankle from skiing at Snowbird. Your Mom and Dad brought us dinner and are taking great care of us. Stay warm! Mark & Karen Jackson
